Tier One – Basic Maintenance Package

- Software Updates

WordPress sites rely on core software, plugins, and themes, and these are updated regularly by developers, so Matter of Will Creative Solutions knows the importance of keeping both critical and non-critical software and site components regularly updated too to keep your website running smoothly online and avoid security issues.

- Site Functionality and Tweaks

Matter of Will Creative Solutions knows that having a website where essential functions work correctly (like filling in signup and registration forms, sending enquiries through contact forms, keeping privacy policies compliant with rules and regulations like the GDPR, etc.) is very important for you. Part of our website maintenance service is to check that everything on the site is working correctly on a regular basis.

- Site Speed & Performance Optimization

We know in order to get new leads and sales coming from your website you need a fast-loading site that is continually being optimized for better performance. Matter of Will Creative Solutions is able to quickly identify and fix issues that are slowing down your site’s speed and keep things running lightning fast.

- Repairs and Fixes

Broken links and page errors can be frustrating and can have a negative impact on your website’s search rankings. Matter of Will Creative Solutions conducts regular maintenance routines to check the site for broken internal and external links, errors, and issues caused by bugs, plugin conflicts, etc.

Tier Two – Standard Maintenance Package

- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In addition to optimizing sites for speed, you also need your site to be optimized for search engines. Matter of Will Creative Solutions identifies SEO issues that are affecting your site’s ranking and their web traffic so your site can be high on google’s search list when someone searches for your niche.

- Website Backups

Matter of Will Creative Solutions offers daily, twice daily, or hourly backups to provide you with additional reassurance that your site can be fully restored in the event of a disaster or accidental deletion of content.

- Security Monitoring

Hackers attack over 30,000 websites every day, so protecting your website is extremely important to us.

Matter of Will Creative Solutions offers you website security and peace of mind by regularly scanning for vulnerabilities, removing malware, and checking for any spam to protect your site and ensure it will not be hacked, attacked, and taken over.

Tier Three – Advanced Maintenance Package

- Support (Content Updates & Minor Tasks)

We get it… you might just be too busy or lack the skills to perform content updates, add new pages, add new links to your site header, footer or sidebar, reconfigure menus, etc.

So, Matter of Will Creative Solutions offers a support package to perform content updates and minor site tweaks and tasks.

- Reports

You can opt in to have Matter of Will Creative Solutions send you weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly reports detailing security, SEO, or performance issues on their site, as well as analytic reports, and details of any updates or changes made to software, plugins, or themes.

- Analytics

Matter of Will Creative Solutions can provide you with analytics reports that help you understand key site metrics like user behavior and traffic trends to help you improve your content and see significantly better results in your business. We will be expanding into full business analytics in the near future, so stay tuned for that!

- Uptime Monitoring

Matter of Will Creative Solutions will send you alerts if your website becomes inaccessible online and a notification when your site is up and running again.